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Eknath Shinde

Shri. Eknath Shinde

Hon'ble Chief Minister

Devendra Fadanvis

Shr.i Devendra Fadanvis

Hon'ble dy. Chif Minister


Shri. Ajit Pawar

Hon'ble dy. Chif Minister


Shri. Tanaji Sawant

Hon'ble Minister, Public Health and Family Welfare, Maharashtra


सारथी विषयी छत्रपती शाहू महाराज संशोधन प्रशिक्षण व मानव विकास संस्था, (सारथी), पुणे ही महाराष्ट्र शासनाची नियोजन विभागाच्या अधिपत्याखालील दिनांक 25 जून, 2018 रोजी “कंपनी कायदा 2013 च्या कलम 8” अन्वये स्थापन करण्यात आलेली महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील नॉन-प्रॉफ़िट कंपणी आहे. महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील मराठा , कुणबी, कुणबी-मराठा, मराठा-कुणबी या लक्षित गटातील समाजाच्या सामाजिक, आर्थिक व शैक्षणिक विकासाकरीता या कंपणीची स्थापणा करण्यात आली आहे.


  • To increase the quality of education and children's learning outcomes
  • Provision of Quality Education and Enhancing Learning Outcomes of students).
  • Reducing the social and gender gap in school education
  • Bridging Social and Gender Gaps in School Education).
  • Ensuring equality and inclusion in school education at all levels
  • Ensuring equity and inclusion at all levels of School Education)
  • Ensuring that school minimum standards are met
  • Ensuring minimum standards in schooling provisions)
  • Promoting business education
  • Promoting vocationalization of education)
  • Implementation of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.
  • About Commissionerate of Health Services, Mumbai

    The Objectives of the Mission....

  • Reduction in child and maternal mortality.
  • Universal access to public services for food and nutrition, sanitation and hygiene and universal access to public health care services with emphasis on services addressing women’s and children’s health and universal immunization.
  • Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, including locally endemic diseases.
  • Access to integrated comprehensive primary health care.
  • Population stabilization, gender and demographic balance.
  • Revitalize local health traditions & mainstream AYUSH.
  • Promotion of healthy life styles.

  • Core Strategies:

  • Train and enhance capacity of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) to own, control and manage public health services.
  • Promote access to improved healthcare at household level through the female health activist (ASHA).
  • Health Plan for each village through Village Health Committee of the Panchayat.
  • Strengthening sub-centre through an untied fund to enable local planning and action and more Multi Purpose Workers (MPWs).
  • Strengthening existing PHCs and CHCs, and provision of 30-50 bedded CHC per lakh population for improved curative care to a normative standard (Indian Public Health Standards defining personnel, equipment and management standards).
  • Preparation and Implementation of an inter-sectoral District Health Plan prepared by the District Health Mission, including drinking water, sanitation & hygiene and nutrition.
  • Integrating vertical Health and Family Welfare programmes at National, State, Block, and District levels.
  • Technical Support to National, State and District Health Missions, for Public Health Management.
  • Strengthening capacities for data collection, assessment and review for evidence based planning, monitoring and supervision.
  • Formulation of transparent policies for deployment and career development of Human Resources for health.
  • Developing capacities for preventive health care at all levels for promoting healthy life styles, reduction in consumption of tobacco and alcohol etc.
  • Promoting non-profit sector particularly in underserved areas.
  • Why e-Command Office Automation Suite


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